Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year! I'm not usually one to make a bunch of resolutions...but this year I want to live a healthier life. Here are things I want to work on...

1. Be Spiritually Healthy - Read the entire Bible this year! I have been a Christian for 12 and a half years and I have never done this. My friend Amy is also doing this, and she created a blog here to help us. We're reading it chronologically, which should be very interesting. There is a button on the right side of my blog to remind you about it. If you would like to do this with us go to the blog and get started!

2. Be Physically Healthy - I would like to workout at least 4 times a week. Now that I have the Wii Fit I have been a lot more motivated. I'm hoping this motivation won't wear off to fast. I'm want to split my time between the gym and Wii Fit, but I have discovered that I can get a great workout with the Wii Fit.

3. Have a Healthy Schedule - Last year's school year I helped a little girl with CP get ready for school each morning. It was very early mornings getting up at 5:30am, but it got me in a great schedule of going to be early and getting up early. After I got her on the bus I had time to go to the gym. Now that she has moved I don't have any great motivation to get up early or go to bed early. I would like to be in bed by 11pm.

4. Eat Healthier - I want to make healthier choices about what I eat. I would like to cook more at home rather than go out as much. I love to cook, but its not very fun to cook for 1, so I go out more. And cooking more at home will help my budget!

I'm not going to be crazy obsessive about these things, so if I miss a day I'm not going to beat myself up. I'm blessed with great encouraging friends can help me with these here's to a healthier 2009!!!

What are you striving for this year?


  1. Your goals sound just like mine :-) Thanks for putting my plans into words-I hope and pray we both have great success in healthy living in all areas in 2009!

  2. Great goals! I love that we're on the same page with what we want for this year. Hopefully it will help us help each other... not help each other cheat :)

  3. Good plan, Erin! I'm with you - cyberly. :)
