Monday, September 8, 2008

Don't mess with my football!

On Thursday night I was going to Mary's house to watch the Redskins/Giants game. Before I headed over there I stopped at the grocery store for some brownie mix and the liquor store for something fun for us to drink.

I pulled into the parking lot and looked towards the liquor store deciding where I was going to go first. As I was walking up, a group of very large men decked out in Redskins gear were standing in front of the door. I looked down at my Superbowl Giants t-shirt I was wearing and decided to go into the grocery store first.

When I walked out of the grocery store the band of Redskins fans was gone, so I went in. I looked around to see if I wanted to try something new...since normally I go for the Mike's Lemonade and call it a day. (I'm very outside of my realm in there!) There was one guy wearing a Redskins hat and when he saw my shirt he chuckled and said "Its going to be an interesting game tonight." I agreed and walked away. And then I heard it...

"Awww...look at the little girl wearing her Giants Superbowl shirt. She only likes them because they won the Superbowl. She probably doesn't know anything about football." There were 2 guys in Redskins gear continuing on like that for a little bit.

I kept telling myself to ignore them and keep my mouth shut...but its in my genes open my mouth (Thanks Dad! :) ). I turned around and said "I know enough about football to know that the Giants are going to kick the Redskins @$$ tonight!"

They laughed and said, "Oh right, you're probably only a Giants fan because you think Shockey is cute."

I responded, "Well then I wouldn't be a Giants fan anymore would I? Since Shockey doesn't play for them anymore!"

They said, "DAAAAAAAAMN! Girl does know something about football!"

I just walked away completely satisfied about what just occurred.


  1. You go, Erin!! I'll even forgive you for being a Giants fan since you represented women so well! :)

  2. Thanks! I'm a die hard Ravens fan...but my brother and dad are huge Giants they're my #2 team :)

  3. AWESOME. But if you ever go to that liqour store again, I will yell at you because it is dangerous!!

  4. It was daylight out...I know better not to go at night!
