Yesterday I was in Target (one of my favorite stores) perusing the clothes when I heard someone having an interesting conversation on their phone. I looked over at the person thinking that's interesting and as I passed them I stopped and back up. She told the person on the phone to hold on for a minute and looked at me and said "Hi Erin!" It was my high school dance teacher, someone I was extremely close with in high school.
She told me that she hears about me every once in a while from students who go to my church (apparently she has pictures of me up on the door to her office), and asked what I was up to. I told her how I'm still working with the high schoolers at my church and loving it. She said that she still has a cookie recipe in my hand writing that I gave her in high school and she uses it all the time. She thought of me the other day because I was one of her "tap girls" and she really wants to do a tap number this year. She asked if I would be interested in helping her choreograph a tap piece and help teach her some more tap. I started laughing and told her that I haven't danced in 10 years. She thinks that I could easily pick it up again, especially tap, and that she would call me.
I called my mom to tell her about this crazy interaction and talk about how absurd it is to think that she wants me to choreograph for her, and how I don't even have tap shoes anymore. My mom immediately said that she would buy me new tap shoes and how great it would be to get back into it.
I danced from the time I was 3 until I graduated high school. It was my life! I was at my studio at least 5 hours a day 6 days a week, involved in competitions and a teacher at my studio. I tried to dance some when I was in college, but I really didn't like the program so I focused on ministry and other things instead. Dance is something that I definitely miss in my life, but at this point I have so much other stuff going on, that I really enjoy I don't really have the time, or the discipline to try to get back into it.
I've basically decided that I'm not going to do it...I think I would embarrass myself...but if my dance teacher is persistent enough to track me down and call me (she didn't ask for my number) then I might rethink it.
i think i need to get your "wilde lake dance" duffel bag back to you.
ReplyDeletehaha... well. You could get some tap shoes out of the deal :)
ReplyDeletehaha...that bag always ends up being at your house for a long time each year Tony!
ReplyDeleteIts kind of pointless to have tap shoes if you aren't tapping! :)
Are you KIDDING ME! Tap shoes would be GREAT! You could tap everywhere. Just think of all the friends you'd make :)
ReplyDeleteDude, can your mom get me some tap shoes? I'm as graceless as they come, but man, that'd be awesome.