Saturday, October 25, 2008

Picture Walk

On Friday O and I decided to go on some picture walks. I love fall (if I haven't said that enough yet) and I love why not capture the things of fall that I love?!

I gave O my little point and shoot camera while I used my digital SLR. We walked around his school's campus and took a picture of the beautiful chapel there. We also walked around his neighborhood taking pictures. Here are some of the pictures...the first is a few of O's pictures, and the second are mine. Enjoy! :)


  1. Your pictures are really good Erin and I'm really impressed with O's too (considering he's what? 4 years old?). What kind of SLR do you have? We're researching them...

  2. These pictures are great! You should call and we can walk with you next time.

  3. Love your shots!! LOOOOOVE the dog jumping :)

    And O is well on his way to having the photographic eye :)
