Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This past month has been insane! Between preparing for mission trips, outreaches, Easter, and the play the kids have done I'm exhausted!!!

My boss and some others wrote a production called Socks. Its about 3 groups of people you see in the high schools, the bullies, the bullied and the by standers. Its all about standing up and not being bystanders anymore, and realizing that we all have the same feelings and are very similar. Its a musical and all the music is Coldplay songs...which is really cool. Here are a few pics from the show:
John being a momma wildebeast...birthing a baby! hahaha

Ryan was very passionate about Greenland (I love John's face!)

Typical classroom setting where someone is getting picked on

The bullied

Ryan crying over the death of his girlfriend

The cast! 

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