Friday, April 10, 2009


So I've had 2 sleepovers with the boys that I haven't posted about.

The first one was way back in the beginning of February. We had dinner at our usual place...Qdoba. We headed back to my place to play Wii Fit. Here is a video of the boys hula hooping:

I love S's cheering in the background!!!

Once we were exhausted from Wii fitting it we got into our PJs, curled up on my bed and watched Horton Hears a Who on my laptop. I only watched a little bit of the movie, because I was having Girls night with some friends. We were celebrating Christmas in February together! You can read more about that on Amy's blog.

A few weeks ago we had a Birthday sleepover with the boys. Instead of birthday presents they wanted a fun sleepover with their Miss Erin! I loved that!
First we played laser tag. It was a lot of fun! 

We had dinner at our "usual" place...and home for some more Wii

Whats a birthday celebration without blowing out the candles!  
The boys packed their own bags and forgot their PJs. So I gave them each a t-shirt of mine to wear.  They are only a little big :)

They wanted to sleep in my I let them sleep there until I was ready for bed. I didn't realize what I was getting myself into! When I was ready to go to sleep I scooped one of the boys up and put them in their sleeping bag on the floor and left the other one in bed with me. I fell right asleep, but was woken about an hour later...wet. It took me a minute to figure out why I was warm and wet...
I stripped the bed and put him in the shower. I soaked up the pee as best I could with a towel and poured baking soda all over it. I laid 2 towels over it and put clean sheets on the bed. I got him settled in his sleeping bag on the floor and went back to sleep. The baking soda worked, but there was still a stain on my mattress. My mattress is a little over a year old so I went to the pet store and found some amazing cleaner! My mattress is like new!! Anyway...I guess its another lesson to get me ready for being a mom...whenever that happens.

I love having sleepovers with the boys! Lots of fun had by all!


  1. Adorable! (except for the pee part! ;-))

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oops, totally used real names in that comment. Sorry!

    So, Christopher is sitting on my lap watching that video over and over and over and over. LOVE IT!

  4. haha...its ok :) You caught it before I did!

  5. You solved Pee! I'm impressed! They're cuties :)

  6. Fun Erin! What's the name of the pee cleaner-it'd be good to have it on hand!
