Wednesday, December 3, 2008

O Christmas Tree...O Christmas Tree

This past Saturday I went with some friends to get my Christmas tree. We went to a little tree farm near my friends' house. We weren't sure what we would find...but we were pleasantly surprised! We cut them down ourselves...and it was only $20!!!

Here are some pictures...

Mary and I were really excited!
Mike cutting down my tree...
Dragging to the car...

Loading it on top of the car...
Last year my once my tree was wrapped in netting it fit nicely inside my car. We didn't have any netting this year, but we decided to put it inside anyway. Wolf was pushing it while Mary and I were in the front seats trying to pull it in. The tree was a bit bigger than we thought!

It looked much smaller on the tree lot!

All decorated and ready for Christmas!


  1. Very pretty! But um, why didn't you tie the tree to the top?

  2. Thank you...because I don't have a roof rack and well...I didn't fully think it through :)
