Saturday, February 28, 2009

Resolution Update...

So its the last day of February...and I am SO READY FOR SPRING!!! I have been saying that I would like one blizzard and then Spring...but I just want Spring NOW! I'm sick of the cold weather and I'm sick of my winter clothes! resolutions...

Spiritual Health - There was one week this month that I got off track with reading my Bible everyday, but I caught back up and I haven't missed a day since! Being caught up with this is also helping with my routine. I'm definitely sensing God more through my day to day life, and my prayer life has been great!

Physical Health - I'm still loving my Wii Fit and I'm noticing changes! Not only am I still losing weight I've also noticed that my endurance is getting better. Before when I struggled running in place for 10 minutes, I am now doing 30 minutes with no problem!

Healthy Schedule - My sleep habits are still a bit out of wack. I have been having trouble falling asleep and/or staying asleep throughout the night, which then makes it very difficult to wake up when I want to. I have cut out caffiene and I'm working out everyday. I found this past week if I take a hot shower before bed and read until I can't keep my eyes open I fall asleep great and stay asleep...the problem is that its 1 or 2 am when I'm finally turning out the light. I hope this gets better!

Eating Healthier - I've been eating a lot more salads, and having them as my meal which has been great. This month I also craved a lot of comfort food I made lots of chili and mac and cheese. I'm hoping to keep more with the salads than the comfort food...and hopefully Spring coming will help that!

Overall I'm satisfied about how things are going...except the sleep stuff. Like most people I wish the weight would come off faster...but people are noticing and commenting which always helps motivate!

So here's to a healthy March...


  1. Yeah to you for healthiness! That's awesome! Keep it up!

  2. #1. You look amazing.

    #2. 30 minutes of running? I can't do that.

    #3. Great job! I'm proud of you!!!

  3. Your beautiful Erin!
    and I am proud of your achievements
    Keep it up lovely!
